Exploring and getting lost in Europe during Spring time was simply amazing!  You can see lush green pastures, tulips, magnolias and various flowers blossoming along the highways and roadsides. 

On the way to Mont St. Michele in Normandy.

During high tide, Mont St. Michele appears as though it's floating on water. It's a majestic church surrounded by magnificent bay. The architecture and the panoramic views were breathtaking!

I took my Braidy hobo on this trip with me. A perfect travel bag to stuff my guide books, camera, and snacks for the long hike.

Sea view from Mont St. Michele during low tide.

Next to Mont Saint Michele is the cutest beach town I have ever visited called St. Malo.  This town was filled with tourists and locals digging for mussels during low tide season. 

The "massive swimming pool" in St. Malo.  It's incredible to witness the rising tides.

Next stop was Belgium. The land of the famous comic book character called "Tin Tin".  

Aside from sightseeing and checking out various museums and cathedrals, I had a blast stuffing my face with chocolates, beers, and Belgium waffles.  BEER+ CHOCOLATE = HEAVEN!

 Of course I had to visit the famous "pee boy".  Can you believe this "little guy" (ha ha, no pun intended) has over 600 costumes!

There were so much to see and do in Amsterdam and yet so little time.  I visited the contemporary art museum called Stedelijk Museum. If you like graphic arts, Stedelijk is the place to be. The interior space of the museum was amazing. Check out the 360 view for yourself at Skedelijk. Also, if you are into handbags like me, there's a museum called Museum of Bags and Purses.

It's so easy to get around in Amsterdam.  You can get around the town by boats, cars, trams, buses or bicycles.  The main mode of transportation is bicycle.  I see more bicycles than cars!

 Houseboats anyone?

 My last stop was London.  Being a vintage lover that I am, I had to checkout the vintage scene at Portobello Rd.  On a typical Sat. you can see streets upon streets of vintage vendors.  Here's me relaxing at an English pub and waiting for my refreshing beer to arrive after a long shopping adventure!

 I brought my Ashley shoulder bag with me to London. A prefect bag to go with my afternoon tea!

West Minister Abby, the church where Price William and soon-to-be Princess Katie will tie the Royal knot on April 29th. Congratulations!


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