Art Therapy

Few weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit a new exhibit at MOCA.  I decided to come here on a whim right after a hectic week of work preparing for holiday rush deliveries. After my many trips to downtown LA, I decided to take a spontaneous detour. To my surprise, it was exactly what I really needed to distress myself. It turned out to be a night of art therapy and visiting the museum was really an escape to another place in time where I can feel calm, relax and declutter my mind.  My face completely lit up as soon as I walk inside and saw the new exhibit called Room to Live curated by Bennett Simpson.

MOCA Museum in Downtown LA - 250 S. Grand Ave. Los Angeles

I took some snapshots below of the new exhibit, Room to Live features selected room-scale works and in-depth single artist presentation. 

The highlight was walking through Marnie Weber's Giggle of Clowns that shows off a group of clowns mourning the loss of one of the characters. There's a sense of sadness and hysterical comedy all around.  I'm not sure to smile or be sad or maybe a little of both. This room was defiantly one of my favorites. Clowns and hippy flower child....what's not to love!

If you live in the LA area or planning a visit, I highly recommend checking out MOCA museum. Also, on the other side of the new exhibit, you can view the permanent collection.  You can see masterpieces from Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, and Piet Mondrian just to name a few. I encourage everyone to take some time off your busy schedule and visit a museum in your community. It's such a great feeling to see so much creativity all around you! 


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